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1703, 2020

the Markets’​ Movements and pundits & participants’​ Reactions

March 17, 2020|Founder's Articles|

Among all the important stuff, S&P 500 has been what i have been following for the last 3 years, keeping a close eye on, most of the times, boring movements in DXY and sometimes the VIX alongside the housing markets in Canada & New Zealand and lastly AUD. i do not know why only all these together could help form a sense and understanding of the markets for me as to when the markets were going to get interesting and acting the way they have in the last three months. finally, where i think we needed to be: housing markets [...]

806, 2018

Pattern recognition based trades

June 8, 2018|Founder's Articles|

i will be publishing my thoughts on new trades, based on pattern recognition, as they come up for interested parties' viewing; the best trades, for the next two months, in currencies, would be to short the following instruments; EUR/ GBP at about here, 0.8770 all the way to 0.8430 until august of this year. USD/CAD at about here, 1.3015 all the way to 1.2235 or even lower to 1.2025 until middle of july of this year. great new event: we are performing back tests on a pilot where we may be able to upload trades and signals on a regular basis and [...]

2410, 2016

My re/ cognition of “charts patterns” developing in the capital markets

October 24, 2016|Founder's Articles|

I have been, many times over the last two years, been asked to make public my views of the capital markets. so here we go, this venue should be as good as any. it has been so hard to offer views or to write about what the market reactions may be to US elections when Donald Trump wins even though he is miring himself all over the place and due to major complacency towards his becoming the president of America. it seems people that like his views, do choose to forgive him any time he makes [...]


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